Donation of School Supplies and Teaching Material to Turning Point Community Services

This is the first My Fine Mind donation for its educational cause in Irvington, NJ.

Turning Point Community Services is located at 1011 Grove Street, Irvington, NJ 07111. It was founded in 2004 by Christine L. McCloud and has been committed to serving its community. Their mission is to serve those who are experiencing homelessness, particularly women and children. They provide a variety of services such as providing safe and secure housing options which includes emergency and permanent supportive housing programs, developing and implementing programs that help to address the underlying causes of homelessness, providing on-the-job training opportunities, employment opportunities to help instill a sense of entrepreneurial spirit for those that we serve and our local community through their Almost Home Social Enterprise Initiative, and promoting the well-being and wholeness of all individuals that they serve. My Fine Mind has donated a number of supplies towards our common mission. This includes all kinds of educational material, such as teaching curriculums, children’s books, toys, and supplies for the upcoming school year. Communities like Irvington are in dire need of changes for the betterment of society. We hope we brought Irvington one step closer to their brighter future, and will continue doing so.

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